
  • 妈妈抱着怀孕的肚子
  • 妈妈和爸爸在喂婴儿
  • 妈妈和爸爸看着他们的孩子
  • 三位微笑的孕妇
  • 一个正在看电脑的孕妇
  • 抱着婴儿在空中的女人
  • 一个孕妇在看书
  • 两个女人微笑着和孩子玩耍

第九条 protects against discrimination related to pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, 终止妊娠或从上述情况中恢复. 它禁止 school from applying any rule related to a student’s parental, family or marital status 根据性别区别对待学生. 第九条也保证了这一权利 to take medically necessary leave and to be free of harassment, intimidation, or other discrimination because of pregnancy or parenting related conditions. 

十大彩票网投平台 is dedicated to creating an environment that is welcoming, 方便和包容的孕妇和育儿学生. 学生可要求 reasonable accommodations for pregnancy and parenting related conditions. 请检查 the information provided below to find the answers to frequently asked questions and 请求协助安排住宿.



▼   我如何要求怀孕或育儿相关的住宿?

Pregnant and parenting students should submit a request for accommodations by filling 退出在线表格. 教育法第九章办公室的人会联系你讨论 你怀孕或育儿的需要. 你需要提交证明文件 (i.e. 你的医生的信),要求住宿.

In addition,student who has  chronic medical condition as a result of a pregnancy  还应与之联系吗 教育无障碍中心 & 残疾的资源 by calling (251) 460-7212, or emailing disabilityservices@1e1v.com.


学生 will be provided reasonable accommodations based upon their pregnancy and 与养育子女有关的需要. 具体的住宿将因学生而异. 住宿的一些例子可能包括:

  • 提供更大的办公桌.
  • 必要时允许课间休息.
  • 允许员工临时停车.
  • 重新安排测试或考试.
  • 因怀孕或相关情况请假.
  • Submitting work after a deadline missed due to pregnancy or childbirth.*
  • 提供替代工作来弥补错过的工作.
  • Permitting a reasonable time for nursing and access to lactation spaces.
  • Allowing excused absences for parenting students (both male and female) who need to take their children to medical appointments or to take care of their sick children.

*Pregnant students will be allowed to make up any work missed due to medically necessary 因怀孕缺勤. 学生将被提供可接受的其他安排 弥补错过的工作. 学生不需要完成补课作业 until the student's medically-necessary 因怀孕缺勤 are completed.

▼   Am I required to tell anyone about my pregnancy or parenting status?

学生 are not required to inform anyone of their pregnancy or parenting status. However, the University aims to create an environment that encourages students to share this information with the 第九条 Department, so that the University can provide 适当的支持和帮助. 

▼   Can pregnant students be penalized for absences, if grades are based upon attendance?
A student may not be penalized for absences known to be due to pregnancy, childbirth, 或者其他相关的疾病. 教授不能减少怀孕学生的 grade because of attendance or participation points that the student missed during 她因为怀孕的原因请假了. 教授必须给出 the student a reasonable opportunity to earn back the credit missed due to pregnancy.
▼   Are there any designated areas on campus for mothers to address breastfeeding related 需要?

There are three lactation stations located on the University’s main campus. 

  • 学生中心168室 
  • UCOMM成人学习办公室,套房3700
  • 北人文楼4号办公室
▼   How can I report harassment or discrimination due to pregnancy or parenting?

十大彩票网投平台 prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis 的性. Pregnant or parenting students who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed because of a qualifying condition may file a complaint with the Title IX Office by clicking on the link provided below to report a 第九条 incident. 


学院信息 & 工作人员

Ask them if they need any accommodations, and if they have met with the 第九条 Office. If they have not, refer them to the 怀孕与育儿 accommodation form located 在第九条办公室的网页上 .
▼   What do I do if a student tells me they need to miss class due to a pregnancy?
We excuse all medically necessary 因怀孕缺勤, childbirth, false pregnancy, 终止妊娠或恢复. 这包括预约医生. 通过  第九条 Office, faculty members should excuse those absences deemed medically necessary 由适当的医疗专业人员. 学生应参考标题 九办事处用于记录医疗需要.
▼   Can I ask a student to prove they're pregnant or provide a doctor's note?
教员不能要医生的笔记. 请将学生介绍给第九条办公室 获取文档和支持.
▼   What do reasonable accommodations look like for a pregnant student? 
Reasonable accommodations could be allowing frequent bathroom breaks, a larger desk 如果需要,也可以换个椅子. 因医疗原因缺勤所需的时间 可以根据学生的情况而有所不同吗.




